Friday, July 12, 2013

us vs. the birds

Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your lifespan?
-Matthew 6:26-27

As I reflected on this verse, I realized how much unnecessary worrying I actually do on a daily basis. This verse makes a very strong argument against worrying, saying that life is much more than just clothes and material items. Doesn’t God take care of the animals? So… pretty much He can be relied upon to take care of us too. We can’t really do anything to make ourselves live longer, so why do we keep trying? If I keep taking those vitamin pills, its not going to add to my life span, so why take them? They are really unnecessary. Instead, this verse calls for trust in the Lord, that if He takes care of the animals, will he not also take care of us? Pretty likely.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

"without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."
-Matthew 10:8

This verse so struck me as I was reading this morning, almost like a oh yeah, HUH? This verse is so rich and I really believe it speaks to the human spirit. We have such a tendency to the 'you owe me' attitude but them we have to remember - Jesus gave us his ALL for FREE. Surely what little we have, we can give. We can help that person across the street, pay the tax in line at the grocery store, etc.. We really shouldn't expect payback because if Jesus expected payback... you'd be in for some major pain and torture. If you've seen The Passion of the Christ, you know what I mean. Not pretty. He was beaten, bruised, whipped, bloody, cut, and more. We have received everything - our salvation - for free, so that is how we are called to give. Jesus is our example. This goes for love too - people shouldn't have to earn our love, its what is called unconditional love- there is nothing we could have done to earn God's love after shunning Him in the garden of Eden, we lost His love. So now its just a gift of unconditional love. Without cost He gives. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Thoughts of the day

Matthew 4:20

The bible reads that the apostles left their nets behind to follow Jesus. Those nets were their means of making a living – that was their lifeline so to speak. They were willing to lay their nets down, their lifelines down, and let Jesus instead become their lifeline. They trusted Him enough to say, here – I lay this means of living down – I don’t know how I will make money or continue to get food, but I trust you enough and I want to follow you so much that I lay it down and I want you to be my lifeline instead of these nets.

Mark 6:7

The Bible tells us about how when Jesus called the Twelve, he instructed them to bring nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, sack, money, etc.. If you think about what you pack just for a two day trip – and they were leaving for an unknown period of time, possibly never to return, that is what is called MAJOR TRUST. They had to rely on Jesus that He would provide for their needs, to fill their empty stomachs, provide for any monetary needs and so on.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Beauty of Creation

I just arrived in San Diego, California yesterday and I’ve been here many times before throughout my life so nothing should have been that surprising to me. However, as we entered the cooler weather (much cooler than the arid and burning temperatures of Arizona) I began to notice a difference. In actuality the difference began on the drive over. I was struck by the rock formations between Yuma and San Diego, finding myself reflecting on how much fun God must have had as he created each creative crevice and swirl in each rock. His delight at the outcome of each mountain – the same delight I felt every time I finish a painting or drawing. I connected my excitement to the excitement He must have felt (only much greater) after creating man – seeing his creation and going.. “wow.. that is so cool! We’re going to have so much fun! And then his sadness when man turned his back and said “no thanks” to God’s marvelous invitation. The same excitement that a boy has when he sees the potential for the fun he and his new puppy will have, as the puppy jumps all over and gleefully licks his face.
All in all, seeing the mountains gave me a small view of God’s love for us. If I care enough about a stupid little canvas to make it into a painting, and spend a large amount of time and effort to turn it into something beautiful. How much must He care to have created us? How much pain would I feel if that painting suddenly turned its back on me and slapped me? After all the care and time I had put into it?  He must have cared so much to put in the time and suffering to create and love us when he knew the whole time we were going to turn our backs on Him.  What love.