God taught me a lesson in Church today and it wasn’t just in the homily. We drove to Church, about ten minutes later than I was comfortable being - I am really picky about not being late and would so much rather be early. Thus, I internally grumbled about it. I tried reading the Sunday readings to prepare for Holy Mass, but the grumbling continued. We walked in and as one can guess, most seats were full. Thus we had to sit all the way on the left.
Let me explain. Our parish church is laid out in a semicircle with the altar at the center of the half circle. So sitting by the wall on the left was not my usual or favorite seat. Really it is no one’s favorite for this is why they are usually open in an otherwise packed Church. The other reason they are not the “chosen” seats is that is where families with little children often sit - close to the door and the parking lot in case of a teary meltdown.
So, I was sitting next to a very active toddler who was not interested in sitting still, but much more concerned about wandering and eating his Cheerios. I internally grumbled. (Can you tell I sometimes do a lot of that?) I started complaining to my brain about how there should not be food in Churches and their wandering behavior needed to end and how he was being so distracting and yes, on and on my brain went. (I know… I needed to stop the judgment a long time ago.) So for a bit I felt so mad because if we had not been late we would not have had to sit over in Distraction Territory.
So I told God, “You sat me here for a reason. Please show me why.” And He did. I remembered Jesus saying, “Let the little children come to me.” His care and tenderness towards them was clear. Jesus knew how rambunctious kids can be for He was a kid once! Seeing one child curled up in a pew sleeping next to his mama, I thought about how comfortable such kids are in God’s presence. They eat, sleep, read and play with trucks all in His presence. Yes, not always as reverent as we think they should be, but there is a lesson. Even at home, sleeping, at the office or beach ...we are still in His presence. Jesus calls us to be like the little children. Work, and play in His presence Live in His presence. Rest and know you are in His presence - no need for worrying. He's there.
At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me." (MT 18: 2-6)
So next time you see a child acting up or eating at Church, do not feel like they need to behave better, although they will learn exactly that as they grow. Let them instead be a reminder to you that all you do is in God's presence. All you do is a gift to God. Praise Him with your life.